We hope you all had a peaceful Christmas and New Year. As the year begins with New Year resolutions and promises to lose weight, stop smoking, get fitter etc Elysium Memorial Foundation has a chance to make plans for our way forward this year.
So, what do we have planned?
As always, fundraising is our main goal. With the recent Veterans Foundation Small Grant and the Veterans Awards Small Grant we are a step closer to our goal. However, this does not mean that we can stop fundraising or asking our supporters to continue their efforts. A recent charity challenge by the Royal Signals kindly donated some of their final donation to EMF, for which we are extremely grateful. Fundraising will always be our main goal, either by the EMF team or by our very kind supporters.
This year the EMF team are considering another kayaking challenge or a combined kayak challenge and West Highland Way Walk. Details are still to be decided as there are many factors with work and operational duty to take into consideration. We will of course keep you updated.
If you can’t organise a fund-raising event there are a few ways you can support us with fundraising. Easyfundraising.co.uk is a simple way to donate while shopping online. Just follow the link and sign up, you can also set it up to let you know if the site you are on is on the easyfundraising list. Companies may only donate pennies, but they soon add up and it all helps.
Ed is doing a presentation to the Royal Engineers, Ipswich in February about the charity and its goals. If this is something you think would be helpful and raise awareness for your fundraising please reach out to Ed for availability to suit both.
If you are making a donation, please make it through JustGiving as you can add Gift Aid. This is available to all taxpayers and, again, it all helps. https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/elysiummemorialfoundation
We are extremely hopeful that we can send in our application to the National Memorial Arboretum this year and will keep you informed of any progress on that front.
As always we appreciate everyone’s support in this endeavour and are also thankful to all those that buy merchandise, donate and spread the word.